All of the arts we practice are apprenticeship. The big art is our life. M. C. Richards (to see image source, click picture)


Welcome to Bajiggity Life

Trying to find peace and happiness is a full time job. Just when I think I've found it, the wonderful "there" I aspired to suddenly becomes another "here." The decision to "bloom where you are planted" as Mary Engelbreit so sagely said, is what this blog is about.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

There has been a lot to write about since my last post. Apparently the spirit hasn't moved me.

Since April 3 my brother was buried,  a good friend began her cancer treatment and another, more recently met friend died of cancer. It has not been a happy time. Yet life IS good. With all its sadness and frustration. All its disappointments and low blows. Those need to be felt; to be experienced and not stuffed down, dismissed or medicated away. They are life. They are real.

Since April 3 I've also reconnected with a colleague from the past, enjoyed getting to know new friends and begun the now-annual living out of part of the dream that motivated my move here; planting a vegetable garden. Such simple things mean so much to me; is it age? Is it accepting who I really am and giving up trying to be something someone else wants me to be? I need less and less yet I don't feel I suffer from any lack of material things.

Another long-time friend has a yen to travel and has been all over the world. She continues to take every opportunity (it seems to me) to go somewhere else.  I've traveled some - even with her - and I envy (perhaps too strong a word) her the experiences she's had, yet I find I just want to be home. At home, just like my parents lived. For years I looked down on that as being so confining and provincial. Yet home IS where my heart is. Family IS those people who understand and accept me, wherever I find them. The time away from home visiting friends or working is enjoyable and occasionally profitable, yet, after a time, I am eager to head back home.

Like Dorothy said in the Wizard of Oz as she clicked those Ruby Slippers together to return there, "there's no place like home." Maybe I will regret not having traveled more. Maybe. I guess everyone has to regret something...

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