All of the arts we practice are apprenticeship. The big art is our life. M. C. Richards (to see image source, click picture)


Welcome to Bajiggity Life

Trying to find peace and happiness is a full time job. Just when I think I've found it, the wonderful "there" I aspired to suddenly becomes another "here." The decision to "bloom where you are planted" as Mary Engelbreit so sagely said, is what this blog is about.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy? New? Year?

I truly was not ready to accept that another year had passed last night, let alone another decade. It's all going too fast, despite my best efforts to live a slow life. And truly I'm not sure there is too much that will  be new in 2010 that is really important. There will still be problems craving solution. And surprises good and bad. There will be ups and downs. There will be births and deaths. There will be happiness and sadness. All of this we know. So what?!

Is it possible that someone, somewhere will act in a way that will make a huge positive difference in how we all - and I do mean all - live in the world? Or does it fall to each of us to act in ways that make small positive differences that ripple out and connect over time and space to make a huge, positive changes in how we live in the world.? I believe it's the latter. Each of us contributes to the whole. Each of us makes differences in ways that we don't recognize or will never know.

Bottom 2010 I will remember that what I do does matter. It does have an impact even if I never see it. So paying attention and asking ---- "just because I can, should I?" ----is important.

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